hello Inn0game$

we claim that you should allow the duelwatcher for usability reasons, this project is built to reduce the load sent to your servers. we collect information about all players available for dueling and provide them here that the script can grep them. Your new anti cheat system is a joke, you try to prohibit scripts at all. That just works as long as they are not lambdas (anonymous functions). Now you can tell but what if I ban any foreign HTML elements? You can write a browser extension and now the html is seperated from the game and you cannot recognize it again.
and be aware, if you abandon scripts, there will be always guys that find ways to cheat. there is e.g. selenium, a testing framework, which is used to emulate user behaviour. And how can you determine if this is a script/bot/whatsoever or a human just playing really intense. It would be your job to develop new and satisfying features and the job of us random dudes to write scripts to improve the usability towards a level of 2016. The usability of the game is trash, you added the feature of item upgrading a long time ago. Since then players have to purchase items out of the shops, instead of adding a feature to purchase multiple items at once, you prohibit the usage of a script that does that stupid task for you.
And just sayin: do you really think a ban on the data collecting account solves the issues? It is so easy to create a new account, that the script already contains a piece of code for doing so, would be enabled in a second. We could ban your IP. Srsly? Since IPs aren't that static anymore, you can just get yourself a new IP. But what if we ban the IP adress range of the provider? well have fun of baning it, but be aware also other customers use that provider.
We really do not get it and don't come up with load on server, if you have just one capable developer for your game, he or she would be able to write scripts to cache those expensive requests to the database. But you do not even use ETags. So sad.

Even more sad: you recommend your customers to add browser extensions and userscripts. Those stuff is incredibly dangerous because the security mechanisms of that stuff are incredibly bad.

With your current script policies you hurt players with a not so deep tech understanding and the ones who benefit from that are guys like us, with great technical understanding. We can automate jobs, we figure out ways to detect if we are under attack, we figure out ways to find duel opponents when our motivation is lower than 40%, we figure out ways to get the gold and silver jobs anyway. Do you really think prohibition is the way to go? Because Prohibition has a history of working perfectly, right? Alcohol in United States, just to name a prominent example.

Please reconsider if you seriously want to abondon another boatload of scripts with the joke of an anit cheat system. "When injustice becomes right, resistance becomes a duty!", Bertolt Brecht.

So tell us, how you are gonna approach those topics, let us know in the international game forum.